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Writer's pictureTres Crow



Remember 8 years ago when I said I was starting the 40/40 Challenge, a self-imposed goal challenge for the first 40 weeks of 2020? You'd be forgiven if you didn't. It didn't last long; it only took a few weeks and then 2020 went aaaaaaaallllll the way off the rails, and so did the 40/40 Challenge.

For a refresher, here were the goals I was trying to achieve in the first 40 weeks of this accursed year:

  1. Lose 75 lbs

  2. Publish 2 novels and 1 photography book

  3. Grow my online audience to 10k (across Twitter, Instagram, and my newsletter)

  4. Post a blog everyday

  5. Help my local parks group break fundraising goals

Man. How naive I was back in January. How idealistic.

I guess I just didn't expect the apocalypse to happen so darn fast.

Anyhow, the 40/40 Challenge is officially toast...or at least as it was initially conceived. The quarantine has led to a lot of thinking on my part, and I'm still game for some personal growth this year, in spite of a global pandemic. I just need to adjust my goals a little to fit the times.

So, here are my new goals:

  1. Lose 75 lbs

  2. Publish 2 novels digitally for any ole' person to love on.

  3. Grow a good garden

  4. Post a blog everyday

This seems doable, especially now that I have so much darn time on my hands. If you want to follow along with my journey (or better yet, join in yourself), follow me on Twitter or Instagram, or just follow along with the hashtag #4040Challenge.

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